Minggu, 29 Agustus 2010

Burger King Website Analysis in Taiwan

Diposting oleh Bina Yuliawati di 10.02

In my opinion, the Burger King website in Taiwan is quite interesting. Unfortunately, the language used in the said website is in Taiwanese language, and there is no option to change the language into English. From the language use perspective, this website is not effective for global community. It is for sure that only Taiwanese people understand what the website contents say, and less people from other Countries may understand the Taiwanese language.

Although people from other Countries have difficulty in understanding the language, the pictures and symbols in the website are very various and are attractively made. Therefore, it can help its customers to see and know the available food and beverage menus at Taiwan Burger King. The main picture is burger with high piles of meat and cheese able to arouse the appetite of the people who see it. It is unlike the websites in New Zealand and Turkey having fewer pictures.

From the color use perspective, Taiwan Burger King website uses a black base color combined with a chess board theme of which color is made darker. Although its theme and base color look dark, the colors and symbols in the website are colorfully made, so that it looks more harmonious and attractive. Since this website displays many pictures and symbols, the internet speed becomes slow, and the website entering process is so long that the pictures and symbols come up. It, of course, is not as fast as that in New Zealand.

The products offered are almost the same as those offered by Burger King in other Countries. If it is thoroughly seen, Taiwan Burger King website is not effective for global community. The foresaid website is also unacceptable to Indonesian people since the language used in the website is Taiwanese language. In addition, the Taiwanese language shapes are mostly understood by Taiwanese people only.

This website indicates that Taiwan is a Country of high Context culture since this website uses many animated pictures which are intended to attract people. It uses the pictures to arouse the appetite. Uniquely, the togetherness is shown by displaying burger pictures with different sizes. In addition, there are many sidebars and menus in the website, and the new search window will open for each page.

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Minggu, 29 Agustus 2010

Burger King Website Analysis in Taiwan

In my opinion, the Burger King website in Taiwan is quite interesting. Unfortunately, the language used in the said website is in Taiwanese language, and there is no option to change the language into English. From the language use perspective, this website is not effective for global community. It is for sure that only Taiwanese people understand what the website contents say, and less people from other Countries may understand the Taiwanese language.

Although people from other Countries have difficulty in understanding the language, the pictures and symbols in the website are very various and are attractively made. Therefore, it can help its customers to see and know the available food and beverage menus at Taiwan Burger King. The main picture is burger with high piles of meat and cheese able to arouse the appetite of the people who see it. It is unlike the websites in New Zealand and Turkey having fewer pictures.

From the color use perspective, Taiwan Burger King website uses a black base color combined with a chess board theme of which color is made darker. Although its theme and base color look dark, the colors and symbols in the website are colorfully made, so that it looks more harmonious and attractive. Since this website displays many pictures and symbols, the internet speed becomes slow, and the website entering process is so long that the pictures and symbols come up. It, of course, is not as fast as that in New Zealand.

The products offered are almost the same as those offered by Burger King in other Countries. If it is thoroughly seen, Taiwan Burger King website is not effective for global community. The foresaid website is also unacceptable to Indonesian people since the language used in the website is Taiwanese language. In addition, the Taiwanese language shapes are mostly understood by Taiwanese people only.

This website indicates that Taiwan is a Country of high Context culture since this website uses many animated pictures which are intended to attract people. It uses the pictures to arouse the appetite. Uniquely, the togetherness is shown by displaying burger pictures with different sizes. In addition, there are many sidebars and menus in the website, and the new search window will open for each page.

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