Minggu, 29 Agustus 2010

Burger King Website Analysis in New Zealand

Diposting oleh Bina Yuliawati di 10.26

Burger King Website in New Zealand uses English. The language use has been in accordance with the international standard. So, there will be many people understanding what the website contents say easily, knowing whatever products are offered, Burger King history in New Zealand, and so on.

However, it is very poor that this website is quite simple and has fewer pictures. It is not as attractive as the Burger King website in Taiwan. The pictures in the website have small sizes and half look only.

The color used is monotonous as well. The website base color is red. The base color used in the picture and information based box also looks plain because it uses white. The color used in writing is chosen from dark prone color, so that the website does not look attractive. However, its internet speed is faster than the Burger King websites in Taiwan and Turkey. Since this website has fewer pictures, it can be fast and easily accessed.

Burger King website in New Zealand, if it is thoroughly seen, can be deemed effective for global community. This website is also acceptable to Indonesian people. Although the website display is less attractive due to fewer pictures and monotonous colors, the language used is English. Many people understand the contents since it uses the international language.

This website is not as attractive as those in Taiwan and Turkey, but many people can accept it because they can understand what the website contents say easily. The products offered by Burger King New Zealand are the same as those offered by Burger King in other Countries.

New Zealand is a Country of low context culture. This can be seen from fewer animated pictures used in the website, instead of using the light effect in its text. The promotion is focused on text rather than pictures. It indicates that New Zealand people are individualists. It is due to the fact that none of togetherness can be found either in the pictures or in the text displayed. Then, the sidebars and menus are less than Burger King website in Taiwan. To open the other menu, the same search window will open.

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Minggu, 29 Agustus 2010

Burger King Website Analysis in New Zealand

Burger King Website in New Zealand uses English. The language use has been in accordance with the international standard. So, there will be many people understanding what the website contents say easily, knowing whatever products are offered, Burger King history in New Zealand, and so on.

However, it is very poor that this website is quite simple and has fewer pictures. It is not as attractive as the Burger King website in Taiwan. The pictures in the website have small sizes and half look only.

The color used is monotonous as well. The website base color is red. The base color used in the picture and information based box also looks plain because it uses white. The color used in writing is chosen from dark prone color, so that the website does not look attractive. However, its internet speed is faster than the Burger King websites in Taiwan and Turkey. Since this website has fewer pictures, it can be fast and easily accessed.

Burger King website in New Zealand, if it is thoroughly seen, can be deemed effective for global community. This website is also acceptable to Indonesian people. Although the website display is less attractive due to fewer pictures and monotonous colors, the language used is English. Many people understand the contents since it uses the international language.

This website is not as attractive as those in Taiwan and Turkey, but many people can accept it because they can understand what the website contents say easily. The products offered by Burger King New Zealand are the same as those offered by Burger King in other Countries.

New Zealand is a Country of low context culture. This can be seen from fewer animated pictures used in the website, instead of using the light effect in its text. The promotion is focused on text rather than pictures. It indicates that New Zealand people are individualists. It is due to the fact that none of togetherness can be found either in the pictures or in the text displayed. Then, the sidebars and menus are less than Burger King website in Taiwan. To open the other menu, the same search window will open.

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